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One key area of concern is that the A400M is overweight, which would negatively affect its payload and range capabilities. According to Airbus Military data, maximum payload is 37 tons and range is 1,780 naut. mi. with a full payload. But people close to the program say the aircraft is considerably heavier in its current development status. The first six units to be used in the flight-test program are 12 tons heavier than planned, according to those executives. A weight-saving campaign has identified a reduction potential of 7 tons. Early production aircraft will only incorporate reductions of 5 tons at most, leaving payload below the 30-ton mark. -------------------------- ͽÄê¤è¤ê£±£²Å¤â½Å¤¿¤¯¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤é¤·¤¯³Æ¹ñ¤âÂåÂذƤò¹Í¤¨¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤è¤¦¤Ç¤¹ ¥¨¥¢¥Ð¥¹¤ÎA400M¡¡Àîºê¤ÎC-X¡¡¥Ü¡¼¥¤¥ó¥°¤ÎB787¡¡¥í¥Ã¥¡¼¥É¤ÎF¡Ý£³£µ ³Æ¹ñ¤Î¹Ò¶õ¶È³¦¤âÂçÊѤǤ¹¤Í
WASHINGTON — Federal Aviation Administration chief Randy Babbitt braved snow, ice and foggy conditions at North Pole International Airport to give Santa Claus and his sleigh a thumbs-up for the jolly old pilot¡Çs traditional round-the-world Christmas Eve mission. During a 90-minute check ride, Administrator Babbitt made sure Santa can properly execute the demanding maneuvers and precision rooftop landings inherent in making toy deliveries. He also checked that the sleigh¡Çs deicing equipment, reindeer propulsion system and communications and navigation systems are working properly. In addition, the Administrator verified Santa has policies in place to guarantee he and his elves will have a proper rest period before the long, all-night mission. While the elves will have WiFi inflight internet access, St. Nick stressed he will strictly enforce his longstanding ban on distractions in the cockpit. ¡ÈSanta and his crew have always shown extraordinary professionalism in the cockpit,¡É said FAA Administrator Babbitt ¡ÈI¡Çm certain they¡Çll pull off the flight without a hitch.¡É This year, Santa has several Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) technology improvements at his disposal to make the annual trip safer and more fuel-efficient. For example, North Pole International Airport boasts a new ASDE-X ground surveillance radar system to help St. Nick avoid marauding polar bears and the occasional Grinch. Santa¡Çs sleigh (registration N0EL) boasts all the necessary electronics to use Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP), approaches the FAA has in place to help Santa easily reach children¡Çs homes. The sleigh also has an Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) component that pinpoints its position for air traffic controllers and other aircraft throughout the flight. Mindful of environmental issues, Santa has incorporated several Earth-friendly features this year. Rudolph¡Çs bright red nose and the sleigh¡Çs warning and decorative lights are all powered by energy-saving LEDs. The public can follow Santa on his Christmas Eve mission at http://www.noradsanta.org/en/index.html. ###